Template:Escape template list

From The Goon Show Depository

Template call
<span style=

Error: The retired template {{Template:Escape template list}} has been transcluded; see mw:Help:Magic words#Other for details. To fix this, use only the code {{=}} to generate the = character."font-weight:normal; font-style:normal">(m for magic word)

Output <span style=

Error: The retired template {{Template:Escape template list}} has been transcluded; see mw:Help:Magic words#Other for details. To fix this, use only the code {{=}} to generate the = character."font-weight:normal; font-style:normal">(delayed interpretation as wikimarkup)

HTML alternative <span style=

Error: The retired template {{Template:Escape template list}} has been transcluded; see mw:Help:Magic words#Other for details. To fix this, use only the code {{=}} to generate the = character."font-weight:normal; font-style:normal">(never interpreted as wikimarkup)

{{!}} (m) | &#124; or {{pipe}}
{{=}} (m) = &#61;
{{!!}} || &#124;&#124;
{{!(}} [ &#91;
{{)!}} ] &#93;
{{!((}} [[ &#91;&#91;
{{))!}} ]] &#93;&#93;
{{(}} { &#123;
{{)}} } &#125;
{{((}} {{ &#123;&#123;
{{))}} }} &#125;&#125;
{{(((}} {{{ &#123;&#123;&#123;
{{)))}} }}} &#125;&#125;&#125;
{{(!}} {| &#123;&#124;
{{!-}} |- &#124;&#45;
{{!)}} |} &#124;&#125;