7th Series

Basic Cast :-

  • Peter Sellers,
  • Harry Secombe,
  • Spike Milligan,
  • The Ray Ellington Quartet,
  • Max Geldray.

  • Announcer is Wallace Greenslade.

  • Produced by Pat Dixon, except nos. 1 and 2 produced by Peter Eton.

Scripts by Milligan and Larry Stephens, except nos. 2 and 23, by Milligan only.

Broadcast Thursdays, except nos. 10 and 13 broadcast Wednesdays.
Pre-recorded the previous Sunday (except nos. 6,14,15 and 16).

    1 04-Oct-56 TLO 12681 The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis
    2 11-Oct-56 TLO 11799 Drums Along the Mersey
    (with Valentine Dyall)
    3 18-Oct-56 TLO 14585 The Nadger Plague 2
    4 11-Oct-55 TLO 88253 The MacReekie Rising of '74
    (without Milligan, with George Chisholm)

    5 0l-Oct-56 TLO 15209 The Spectre of Tintagel
    (with Valentine Dyall)
    6 08-Oct-56 -- -- (The original episode postponed until 14-Feb-57 3; replaced by repeat of 'The Greenslade Story', first broadcast 20-Dec-55)
    7 15-Oct-56 TLO 15801 The Great Bank Robbery
    8 22-Oct-56 TLO 16600 Personal Narrative 4
    9 29-Oct-56 TLO 16989 The Mystery of the Fake Neddie Seagoons
    (TS: The Case of the Fake Neddie Seagoons)
    SP 22-Nov-55 TLO 67468 Robin Hood
    (with Valentine Dyall only and Dennis Price)
    (recorded 02-Dec-56; not broadcast in Britain)
    10 05-Dec-56 TLO 17361 What's My Line?
    11 13-Dec-56 TLO 17963 The Telephone
    12 20-Dec-56 TLO 18731 The Flea
    SP 24-Dec-56 TLO 17962 Operation Christmas Duff 7
    (special - GOS only overseas edition - recorded 09-Dec-56)
    13 26-Dec-56 TLO 19238 Six Charlies in Search of an Author
    14 03-Jan-57 TLO 19237 Emperor of the Universe
    (recorded 23-Dec-56)
    15 l0-Jan-57 TLO 20041 Wings Over Dagenham
    (recorded 30-Dec-56)
    (with George Chisholm)
    16 17-Jan-57 TLO 20042 The Rent Collectors
    (recorded 30-Dec-57)
    (with Bernard Miles)
    17 24-Jan-57 TLO 21509 Shifting Sands 1
    (with Jack Train)
    18 31-Jan-57 TLO 21793 The Moon Show
    19 07-Feb-57 TLO 23090 The Mysterious Punch-up-the-Conker 1
    6 14-Feb-57 TLO 14930 The Sleeping Prince 8
    (recorded 04-Feb-56)
    20 21-Feb-57 TLO 22507 Round the World in Eighty Days
    21 28-Feb-57 TLO 23565 Insurance, the White Man's Burden
    22 07-Mar-57 TLO 24413 The Africa Ship Canal 9
    23 14-Mar-57 TLO 24461 Ill Met by Goonlight
    24 21-Mar-57 TLO 24999 The Missing Boa Constrictor 1
    25 28-Mar-57 TLO 26030 The Histories of Pliny the Elder
    SP 02-Aug-57 TLO 35307 The Reason Why
    Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan, and Valentine Dyall.
    Announcer: Wallace Greenslade.
    Music pre-recorded: no audience.
    Produced by Jacques Brown.
    Recorded 11-Aug-57

    Notes to the 7th series

    1. Not coherently announced.

    2. Announced as 'The Great Nadger Plague'.

    3. This show, which parodies a Latin-American type revolution, was postponed owing to the international situation at the time (among other things, the Hungarian uprising was taking place).

    4. Announced as 'The Personal Narrative of Captain Neddie Seagoon.

    5. Announced as 'The Great Art Mystery, or The Case of the Fake Neddie Seagoon'.

    6. Announced as 'Robin Hood and his Merry Men'. This show, - which was recorded specially for TS and not broadcast in this country (although it has been issued on Parlophone PMC 713 is partially based on the script originally broadcast 28-Dec-54 as 'Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest' (14th of the 5th series).

    7. The BBC General Overseas Service was at this time broadcasting entirely on short waves, so that this show could only have been heard in this country - and then not very satisfactorily - but listeners equipped with short-wave receivers. The show aimed largely at the British Armed Forces overseas.

    8. As Colonel Chinstrap (from 'ITMA'). It is interesting that this character, although from a different show a decade earlier, fitted into the Goon Show framework with no sense of strain.

    9. Announced as 'The Great Trans-Africa Canal'.